Esme Palaganas works in the intersection of creativity, culture and commerce. 

She currently is a brand and strategy consultant in all things fashion and the creative enterprise. She’s the president of PHx Fashion Group, and guest lecturer for design schools and business universities. 

In 2023, she completed a Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership from City University of London – Bayes Business School as a Chevening Scholar with a focus on Web3 and Creative Industries Management. She is an ASEAN member of the UNCTAD e-Trade for Women and External Board Advisor at the Centre of Creativity in Professional Practice in London, United Kingdom. She’s a Fellow at Salzburg Global Seminar for its Culture, Arts and Society’s Program on Art, AI and Governance. 

Currently in Tokyo, Japan.

Trained as a designer, she has presented in fashion shows and garnered awards in the Philippines and Malaysia.   


In leadership and management roles, she took charge of the Policy and Planning Committee at the Philippine Fashion Coalition, guiding efforts to pass the Creative Industries Development Act with Congress and Senate technical working groups. Under her leadership, the organisation secured a multi-year partnership with a higher education institution focusing on Creative Intellectual Property.  

Earlier, she led the Special Projects Committee during the organisation’s inaugural year, focusing on fundraising and member engagement. She’s also a council member at the Fashion Design Council of the Philippines, launching projects with public and private partners.


Formerly a founder of an e-commerce venture with a portfolio of over 20 brands, illustrators and designers reaching markets such as Singapore, Japan, Italy, UK, US, Australia and the Philippines, she focused on growth strategy to boost the brand value, revenue and community engagement.

@basicmovement @basicmovementclub


Currently, she is the CoFounder and President of PHx Fashion Group dedicated to producing events and activations focusing on Fashion Education and Market Incubation. With multidisciplinary partners both locally and internationally, the group highlights the relationship with creative and cultural industries.

As a Creative Industries Management and Marketing educator, she guest lectures in both business and design schools in the Philippines. She is a contributing writer for Philippine Star and Vogue Philippines with articles focused on creative industries, culture and technology. 


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